Robots that I have worked on
- R01: Kinetic robot arm
- R02: Arvid - An animatronic head
- R03: Finagler - A robot for Robot Wars
- R04: Bombus Bombus - A robot for Battlebots
- R05: Interactive animatronic lion toy
- R06: Robotic birds for the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
- R07: Robot based on the Tyco Rebound toy
- R08: Window Washing robot
- R09: Kinetic art robot
- R10: Animatronic owls
- R11: Animatronic cats
- R12: Panoramic camera for Luma Pictures
- R13: Sumo robot kits for San Francisco State University
- R14: Tori
- R15: Camera system for Studio 39
- R16: Holonomic robot for Battlebots
- R17: Soccer robots
- R18: Robot arm at Applied Minds
- R19: Crab robot at Applied Minds
- R20: TAICOM robot at Applied Minds
- R21: Sony projector at Applied Minds
- R22: CNC router
- R23: Reindeer mechanism
- R24: Virus robot
- R25: 3Pi robot at Hackaday
- R26: Sample Return Robot
- R27: Robot prototype for CSUN
- R28: Pipedream
- R29: Vertue
- R30: Open Source Mapping Robot